Class of 2023 - Taylor McKinney

We still remember our little, tiny Taylor first stepping onto the field for t-ball
around the age of 5. From that moment forward, you were playing softball. We still
have pictures of you in your pink helmet (that you inherited) stepping up to the
plate. The time has flown by and here we are about to send you off to college.
You have invested a lot of time in the sport of softball. Many knew you as mini-T
during your early years, but now most just call you T.

We know that you will take with you the relationships of your teammates and
coaches. Because, in the end, we always knew you played the sport more for the
people you played it with. We are so proud of you and all your accomplishments,
but most of all we are proud of you for who you are and who you are becoming.
Although we will miss watching you play softball and cheering from the sidelines,
we look forward to seeing what adventures await in this next chapter of your life.
We will continue being your biggest cheerleader. Best of luck at the University of
South Carolina! Go get ‘em T!

We love you!
Dad and Mom

In August of 2013, your travel softball adventure with Inferno began. And, what an adventure it
has been. All the hours spent going to practices, hitting lessons, games, waking up early and
getting home late, driving thousands of miles to attend tournaments, and playing in every type
of weather possible are special memories that will last forever.

It has been fun watching you grow as a tiny little girl, also known as “Mini T”, to a beautiful
young lady. I am so proud of you for all your accomplishments on and off the field. The
friendships you formed with teammates and the memories y’all made are very special. Inferno
became “family”.

It has been an absolute honor and blessing to walk along this journey with you as both your
mom and your coach these past ten years. Thanks for allowing me to live out my dream of
coaching my daughter. I will miss being with you on the softball field!

Love you T!
Coach Ang (mom)

T - Thank you for allowing me to be your coach for the last 9 plus years. Watching your confidence on the field grow over the years gave me great joy. From the first year where we didn’t win a single game to the last few years where we became in heck of a team you remained loyal and were a huge part of our growth. I’m also incredibly thankful to your Mom (Coach Angie) for being by my side on the softball field from the first travel game we ever played to the last. Best of luck #9 at South Carolina. I can’t wait to see what the future holds in store.
