Class of 2022 - Katie Ryan


We love you and are so proud of you and all you've accomplished over the years. Can't wait to see what the future holds. Be Bold! Be Courageous! Be Your Best! Love, Mom and Dad

Mom & Dad

Dear Katie -

I can't thank you enough for joining our team three years ago. I truly believe you played a massive role in helping to turn an average team into the team we are today. Nobody hits the ball harder than you....I literally think your goal is to make the ball explode in mid-air. Your competitiveness makes you who you are....I don't think you ever faced a pitcher that you thought should get you out. When I think of you I will always remember that game in Richmond when we were down a bunch of runs and came back. At the end of that game the umpire came up to me and said - "I don't know much, but I know one thing....if you pitch to 17 you are going to lose the game ." Guess what? They lost. 🙂 I thank you for your dedication and loyalty to our team. I have so enjoyed getting to know you and your family and watching you turn into an incredible young woman. It is all about family and I will always think of the Ryan's as FAMILY! I'm very proud of you Katie! Best of luck at JMU!

Love Coach Sean


I am so glad you found us and we found you. When we sent the girls over to talk after tryouts and I could see their response to you, I knew we found our girl. You are the definition of a true competitor. You always want to come out on top. I know you always will. You put all your heart into everything you do. I know that drive is going to carry you far. Your dry, quick sense of humor is what I love the best. JMU is lucky to have you!!

Love, Coach Ash


So thankful you joined our team three years ago! You brought so much talent, passion and were a breath of fresh air for our team! Your hard work and dedication to being the best player you can be is amazing! I knew that we were in good hands if the game was on the line and you were up to bat. You have had so many clutch hits that helped our team be successful. You took your role on the team seriously and always played your best! But behind that serious game face, was a huge smile when you made a great catch or got an awesome hit! Keep smiling kid!

I have loved getting to know you and your family and having you a part of our Inferno Family! Best of luck at JMU!!

Love You!
Coach Ang