Class of 2022 - Olivia Giannini


I am excited for what the future holds for you. You will be spending your first semester of college studying in Italy. You've been playing softball since you were four years old and pitching since you were 8. You've played on your high school Varsity team all 4 years and have had the privilege of playing for Coach Sean and the Inferno Organization for the past 7 years. I’m so proud of your hard work and dedication and know you will continue to do big things.

Love Mom

Dear O,

I remember the tryout where you decided to join our team. Because your Mom knew I was a Steelers fan, I still to this day believe you would have joined another team if that coach would have been smart enough to ask you if you threw any pitches other than a fastball. Well, lucky for me (and our team) that coach didn't ask that question and here we are 7 years later still together. You joined our team at perhaps our lowest point and stuck with us right until the very end. You played a massive role in the growth of our team which has got us to where we are today. Watching you turn into the strong, confident (and slightly stubborn 🙂 young lady that you are today makes me a little emotional just thinking about it. I'm just so proud of everything about you 3. I truly think of you (and your Mom and Sister) as family. You mean the world to me kiddo! Best of luck in Italy!!

Love Coach Sean


I don't know where to start.  You are my second daughter.  The relationship that we have is one of my most cherished.  You can be stubborn, high maintenance, and quick to react at times.  But these are the things that have gotten you to where you are now.  You (and your Mom) are the toughest people I know.  Losing your Dad so early and now living a life that he would be so incredibly proud of.  I know that you will come out on top no matter what you choose for yourself.  I can't wait to see it, be a part of it and celebrate it.  I love you kid!

Love, Coach Ash


What an awesome journey it has been with you! Even through all the ups and downs over the years, you remained faithful and dedicated to this team. And for that, I am thankful! Watching you grow and mature as a person and as a player over the years has been so fun to be a part of. Your leadership, determination, and spunkiness are all unique and special qualities that you brought to our team and have helped drive us to success. There were games when I would kind of hope the umpire would make a bad call or call an illegal pitch on you, just because I knew it would make you throw even harder! You were going to give it your all till the end….every single game! I’m going to miss our fun little side talks in the dugout! Best of luck to you on your next adventure and keep being you!

Love you!

Coach Ang