Class of 2022 - Erica Barrett

Erica as we write this, we realized that this chapter in your life will soon be coming to an end as you start the next chapter of your life as leave for Virginia Tech this fall.

There are too many great memories to list. From all of the Inferno softball travel tournaments and your academic achievements, to the wonderful young women that you have become. As your parents, you mean the world to us and we are so very proud of you and everything that you have accomplished in life so far.

Thank you for being our daughter and we’re looking forward to all of the great memories that have yet to be written and remember that we will always be here for you!

Mom & Dad

Dear Erica -

Your decision to come back to our team last year (after leaving our team after older 10U) meant more to me than you will ever know. I don't say this lightly, but I believe you are one of the most talented players to ever wear an Inferno uniform. Your calm demeanor and quiet confidence are a trait that speaks volumes of your character. Whenever #33 is at the plate - I just can't wait to see what is going to happen! Pretty good chance it might just land on the other side of the fence. You and your family have meant so much to me over the means the world to me that you are finishing your travel ball career where you started. You and your family will always be FAMILY!! I'm super proud of you Erica! Best of luck at Virginia Tech!

Love Coach Sean


I am so thankful that I was able to have you in my life. When we joined the team we would hear about Erica. No wonder you were in everyone's thoughts. You are an amazing athlete. Such a natural. I love to watch you play. But the real reason I am glad you came back to Inferno is because of the person you are. On the field you are so calm, always wants to play your best, improve your game, ask for the help and pick your teammates up. But that carries over to your everyday life too. I have never heard you say anything against another. You always have a smile on your face. You are a true class act

Love, Coach Ash


I will never forget when you tried out for our 10u team! I remember thinking, we have to do whatever it takes to get her on our team! Not only were you a great softball player, but I saw a girl who was going to work hard, have a positive attitude and be a good teammate! And, I wanted that type of player on my team! And, I was beyond excited when you joined our team again last year. I will never forget the first tournament you “guest played” with us and you had hit a homerun (maybe even more than one) and the girls asked how many you have hit. And, in your sweet and humble way, you said, “I’ve lost count.” I think all the girls mouths just dropped open. And, that is one of the character traits that I appreciate most about you. You are so humble and never complain. All the qualities I saw in you that day at 10u tryouts are still a part of you at 18u. Don’t ever change! It has been such a blessing to have you a part of our team and to be your coach! Best of luck at Virginia Tech!

Love You!
Coach Ang