Class of 2022 - Kaylee Sullivan

Dear Kaylee,

The fact that you are reading this means that one chapter is closing and a new, exciting chapter is beginning. We are so proud of you and your accomplishments in every aspect of your life. You shine in everything you do but it is your love for the sport of softball that brings us here and the huge impact your love of the sport has had on our even played a role in the creation of SixFour3. I will always remember the time we got to spend together on the softball field as one of the most joyous times of my life. It isn't always easy to play for your dad (or to coach your daughter), but I think we both did a pretty good job and learned a lot about each other along the way. That hug you gave me after your first home run in little league (it probably should have been a single down the third base line), your first strike out as a pitcher, your first win as a pitcher, your first travel hit (there were only two in your first season!), your first high school win as a pitcher, your 1st team all cedar run district selection and the celebration of your Senior (K)night.....are all just a few of the softball memories that I'll never forget...but what I will truly remember most is that your teammates always give their best when you are (it isn't over yet) on the mound. They believe in you and you believe in them! Your infectious smile, your endless support and encouragement, competitive drive and overall confidence helped to make you one pretty awesome softball player and all around amazing young lady. We love you so very much and cannot wait to see what your next chapter at the University of South Carolina will bring. Your softball journey through rec ball, high school ball and travel ball has been so wonderful to watch. The friendships, the experiences and our Inferno family will always be family. Remember this journey fondly, it will always be a special part of who you are.

We love you so much! Mom and Dad

Dear Kaylee -

It isn't easy to play for your Dad and especially not for 9 years, but we did it and made it an experience I will never forget. When you tried out for Inferno at 9 years old none of us had any intentions of you playing travel ball (nor did I have any intentions of being a coach). The Coach in charge of the tryouts called a few days later letting me know that you were good enough to make the team (at the time I wasn't sure he was calling the right family). Well, as you know they also needed a Coach....and the rest is history. While not the most talented when we first started playing travel ball you kept working and working and working. I went from cringing whenever I actually put you into the game to an unbelievable sense of pride watching you play. Watching you on the mound and the pride/joy that gives me is just unexplainable. You play the game the right way! I'm so proud of every single thing about you. I love you so much 24!! Best of luck at the University of South Carolina!

Love Coach Sean


You are such a special person. It's not easy being the coach's kid. But you should be proud of how you have carried that, I am. You were so welcoming to us when we met you at Wynn's tryout. You two were immediate friends. You are like that, welcoming to all. I remember when you and Wynn went to talk to Coach Sean, your dad. He said to you both, "Well, you guys weren't best friends as soon as you met." Both of you answered immediately, at the same time, "Yes we were!" You are truly "one of my girls"!!

Love, Coach Ash


It’s hard to believe our journey together is coming to an end! I will never forget coming to 10u tryouts and being asked to help coach a team. I remember saying to the inferno board that if you can find a head coach then I will help out as an assistant coach. And, that is when I first met you and your dad and our softball journey began! It has been a blessing to be a part of your travel ball experience from start to finish! We have made a lot of memories over the years that I will cherish forever! Your smile and energy that you bring to this team will be greatly missed! You have always been the team “cheerleader.” No matter if we were up 20 runs or down by 20 runs, you were always cheering the loudest in the dugout! Your cheerful spirit, beautiful smile, and “GRACEfulness” always brought a smile to my face! I have loved watching you go from a little girl who was just learning to play the game to a confident young lady who steps onto the field with a smile and is going to give it her all! Thank you for letting me be a part of your softball journey for the past 9 years. Best of Luck at the University of South Carolina! Keep smiling and cheering!

Love You!
Coach Ang