Class of 2022 - Hannah Bassett


Since day 1, you have been our calm in this chaotic world. You’ve carried that into everything you’ve done - from your extraordinary writing, to your time in the circle pitching for a championship team. Thank you for sharing your beautiful composure with your team and with us.

You have taught us all so much - about working hard and getting steadily better, working through pain, about how solid communication can lead to more wins by picking up your teammates when they need it, about knowing when to lean in and hold back, and sometimes walk away, even when that is hard. We are so proud of all you’ve accomplished so far. You always were and forever will be our calm, brilliant, beautiful, introspective girl who is now ready to step beyond and put everything you’ve learned into your college experience. We wish you the absolute best & with all of our love, Mom & Dad

Dear Hannah - Thank you for the three + years you played on our team. I enjoyed coaching you and watching you grow into a strong confident pitcher. You played a significant role in the growth of our team. I'm extremely thankful for your contributions and I wish nothing but the best in everything that you do!!

Love Coach Sean


It was such a privilege to be part of your life. Thank you for the four years we shared with you. Good luck in everything you do, I know you will go far!

Love, Coach Ash


So thankful for our years together! Your sweet, quiet spirit was a blessing to have on our team. Your determination to keep fighting and battle through your injuries was amazing to watch. You are a very strong person and those qualities will take you far in life! I wish you the best of luck as begin your next adventure!

Love you!
Coach Ang